Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Unit 10: Analyze Data for Homeland Security

This week I was asked to analyze data that was created during the previous weeks assignment. This was a very difficult assignment complicated further by frequent server crashes, program time outs and long tedious hours of analyzing. The first road block I came to was the time out and ultimately closing of ArcMap after trying to save edits to the GNIS layer. Not only did this absorb 3-4 hours of time it was very frustrating. The next problem I encountered was creating a buffer for this point. After using the buffer tool ArcMap would create a buffer but the layer would not display on the map even after using the "zoom to layer" function. I pressed on simply by displaying the buffers for the airports and then focused on the nearest airport to the NORAD point. I was then able to produce the map of the ingress and egress routes in the second deliverable without much problem although I was unsure if I was meant to display the routes for just this location or multiple sites. The next problem I encountered was creating surveillance points. When I loaded the coordinates of COUA_DEM_UTM13 the shapefile produced no coordinates. After working on the project for nearly 14 hours I did my best to assemble a map and turn in at least a partial final deliverable.

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